Published: 11 January 2025

where is superman

what does superman do when no one needs him
who is superman when he isn’t with us
where is superman when he isn’t here

does superman always have heat vision and only plays it cool
if he sees more colours than us what colours are we
when superman sees us, are we brighter, or do we lack density

do we appear transparent because superman’s X ray vision is always on
if superman’s nearby and uses his superpowers do we experience side effects
when superman walks with us, is he actually flying really low

if superman hears sounds from far away as well as nearby
do we sound loud or quiet, closer or further away
does he hear less or more, or more or less when we are in his presence

if we dream of flying are we like superman or just pretending
when we wish to be invulnerable is superman an object lesson
we don’t understand the consequences of what we want

when superman thinks faster better smarter than us
are we more or less like him; can we really comprehend
who superman is when we meet him, know if he is not there

More Poetry:

a pinball am I

some people drift through life
others steam ahead, forge their destiny
I’m a pinball

we are light

in the midst of our teeming squalor
our inexcusable excesses
the moments when everyone says
shut the fuck up, not right now

Let’s fight to the death

I’m seizing the moment.
Not because the Romans told me to.
Because the moment is trying to seize me.

Circle, unbroken

In Nantes, within a private library
there is a hand bound book, made of soft
now faded lambskin, held together with a
small leather belt. It is one of a kind.

That’s entertainment

The important thing is how will you be remembered.
You might have thought about this, or it might have been the
Ancient Greeks, it doesn’t matter, it’s what people think of you

Two Dads

one black, one white
one Father, one Dad
won’t tell


we are light

we are light

in the midst of our teeming squalor
our inexcusable excesses
the moments when everyone says
shut the fuck up, not right now

read more


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