
To help you this Christmas, I’ve a selection of Christmas cards I made in the past, and they’re yours to use as you wish, free. All the cards are colour.

I’ve written out instructions for each. In the file names, “two-up” means there are two cards on the sheet of paper, numbers are size measurements. If you intend to mail them, I’ve included their finished size, so you can get the right envelopes.

I only ask you leave on “” as a great way to suggest people check out my website! Enjoy!

Behold! I Bring You Tidings of Great Joy!

To fold: first fold printed side out, long in half, it should measure 8.5 x 5.5 inches at this point. The crease should be at the top of the card. Then fold in half again, angel facing out, the crease will be the spine. It will be on the left-hand side. It might sound a little complicated, it isn’t.

This card stands better if printed on a heavier weight of paper (110 pound bond, great, or a very light card stock, better) but regular copy paper will do.

This can be very economical, especially if you do the folding.

This is one card per sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Finished size, folded: 4.25 x 5.5 inches.

Home for the Holidays

If you’re comfortable using a steel ruler and razor/ box cutter then you can cut this, otherwise ask your printer to fold it and cut in half.

If you cut this yourself, I’d recommend cutting first, then folding. If you cut after folding, the paper always wobbles, and you won’t get a nice 90 degree cut. It takes a little extra time, but you’re getting double your card for your money, so cut, then fold!

This card stands better if printed on a heavier weight of paper. 110 pound bond, great, or a very light card stock, better, slightly heavier card stock, even better.

This is a nice card as there is no copy on the front. You express your holiday wishes your way on the inside.

This is two cards per sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Finished size, folded: 4.25 x 5.5 inches.

Joy & Peace on Earth

This one I recommend having the printer cut and fold. It’s a bit of work otherwise, as you have to trim all the sides for a bleed, as well as a center cut to make the two cards.

If you cut this yourself, I’d recommend not cutting the outside strips off entirely, at first. You want those marks until the end. To do so, you’re cutting the first three sides of a rectangle. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to cut out your cards. Join up the two straight black lines at the bottom with a nice cut. Now join the middle two lines with a good cut. The first and second cards are now free. One suggestion: cover the art with your steel ruler to protect the art.

The background pattern used in this card is based on an 18 century English wallpaper.

This is two cards per sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Finished size, folded: 4.25 x 5.5 inches.

Word & Puzzle Lover

This card is as titled: word lover; it’s also for puzzle lovers. It’s a word lover’s puzzle!

It’s also very large. It prints on a 11 x 17 inch piece of paper or card. When I sent it out, I folded it in half and put it in a 9 x 12 inch envelope. So, not the most economic option, but it makes impact upon arrival 😉

Your choice of weight of paper, heavy is better.

BTW, my choice of words. I keep a file of favourite words. This is by no means complete, there are so many great words! I keep finding new ones every day. I’ve been waiting a long time to work the word ‘chatoyant’ into a sentence, so there you are!

Finished size, folded: 8.5 x 11 inches.



My family often call me a bear.
Perhaps it’s my grumpy nature.
I’m known to roar if startled,
behave badly if woken abruptly.

Mansion of Joy

The world needs comedians,
comedians need people who laugh,
the comedians have Arlen.

A boy with a big laugh,
to fill a hall, a building, to fill the world

blue is blue

is there not enough glow
not enough bleeding heart?
not enough gold shows through?
blue is blue
blue is blue

sounds like the waiting room before an acid trip

A tremulous place of anticipation and dread,
suspicion the colours are changing, are they changing?
What is the sound of a silent train arriving?
Apparently, I’m to depart. I’ve been informed
I have a ticket. I seem to have forgotten

Pilgrim Pigeon meets God

Pilgrim Pigeon really wanted to see God. When he told other pigeons that was all he really wanted, they would look at him like he was deluded. “Look, God is all right for humans, but when is He there for pigeons?” they would ask.
This would perplex Pigeon. “Look around you, did you make this? Do you think humans (God bless their garbage) made this? Well, do you?” And the pigeons would say, “Yeah, yeah, go look for God you knucklehead, we got serious work to do.”