Writing Showcase
Explore a selection of thought-provoking articles, essays, and stories that inspire and engage.
a pinball am I
some people drift through life
others steam ahead, forge their destiny
I’m a pinball
we are light
in the midst of our teeming squalor
our inexcusable excesses
the moments when everyone says
shut the fuck up, not right now
Let’s fight to the death
I’m seizing the moment.
Not because the Romans told me to.
Because the moment is trying to seize me.
evolution consciousness language 2
Further to my proposal language is a result of consumption of psychedelic mushrooms — I can’t imagine why anyone would want to debate such a concept — and that awareness of language is a result of global consciousness — it strikes me an alternative reason for the rise of consciousness expressed as language should be offered.
where is superman
what does superman do when no one needs him
who is superman when he isn’t with us
where is superman when he isn’t here
Circle, unbroken
In Nantes, within a private library
there is a hand bound book, made of soft
now faded lambskin, held together with a
small leather belt. It is one of a kind.