

My family often call me a bear.Perhaps it’s my grumpy nature.I’m known to roar if startled,behave badly if woken abruptly.It’s true I like my back to be scratched. If no one with sharp fingernails is available,I’ll lean against a tree, scrape against itwith such...
Mansion of Joy

Mansion of Joy

The world needs comedians,comedians need people who laugh,the comedians have Arlen.A boy with a big laugh,to fill a hall, a building, to fill the worldwith a shout of joy that is large.A laugh to make others laugh, a laughthat says, Success! If a joke is a...
blue is blue

blue is blue

is there not enough glownot enough bleeding heart?not enough gold shows through?blue is blueblue is bluethe oscillation of oxygen when sunlight charges itlocated by Newton between red and yellowthe transcendent drift from shore to aquamarineblue is blueblue is...
sounds like the waiting room before an acid trip

sounds like the waiting room before an acid trip

A tremulous place of anticipation and dread,suspicion the colours are changing, are they changing?What is the sound of a silent train arriving?Apparently, I’m to depart. I’ve been informedI have a ticket. I seem to have forgottenI was holding onto it all this time....
Pilgrim Pigeon meets God

Pilgrim Pigeon meets God

a fable Pilgrim Pigeon really wanted to see God. When he told other pigeons that was all he really wanted, they would look at him like he was deluded. “Look, God is all right for humans, but when is He there for pigeons?” they would ask.This would perplex Pigeon....