Published: 16 September 2024

Hungry words

A distraught loner,
a fallen lord,
a desperate woman
came to a humble cottage
in the wood
to ask for refuge.

Who could deny such
a plaintive request?
He was sheltered,
she was fed,
and slowly the cottage changed.

Simple things like a pot disappeared.
At first everyone pretended not to see.
“Where is the pot?” they said, and the poet replied,
“It wasn’t a pot, it was a flower pot.”
“But what happened to it?”
“Flowers pots come and go,” was the reply.

Still, they sheltered the stranger, as they would help any other in need.
And the uncertain, unknown thanked them
for their hospitality. But things continued

to be missing, parts of the house
no longer were there,
and they could not determine
if they ever really had been there
in the first place.

In desperation
they turned on the traveller,
the cipher,
the desperate fallen aristocrat
and said, “Why have you
benighted us?”

In reply, it sang, laughed,
stuttered, growled,
“My words are hungry.”

More Poetry:

a pinball am I

some people drift through life
others steam ahead, forge their destiny
I’m a pinball

we are light

in the midst of our teeming squalor
our inexcusable excesses
the moments when everyone says
shut the fuck up, not right now

Let’s fight to the death

I’m seizing the moment.
Not because the Romans told me to.
Because the moment is trying to seize me.

where is superman

what does superman do when no one needs him
who is superman when he isn’t with us
where is superman when he isn’t here

Circle, unbroken

In Nantes, within a private library
there is a hand bound book, made of soft
now faded lambskin, held together with a
small leather belt. It is one of a kind.

That’s entertainment

The important thing is how will you be remembered.
You might have thought about this, or it might have been the
Ancient Greeks, it doesn’t matter, it’s what people think of you


we are light

we are light

in the midst of our teeming squalor
our inexcusable excesses
the moments when everyone says
shut the fuck up, not right now

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