some people drift through life
others steam ahead, forge their destiny
I’m a pinball
I bounce off everyone and everything
constantly spin
enjoy the flashing lights, buzzers and bells
that follow my every move
it’s true I’ve treated some as bumpers
others as flippers whose company I sought
then flew away from
while every gobble hole knows my name
every kick-out hole is my friend
“Come, rest in me and score big points!”
I’ve done damage
gone, “Tilt!” more than once
but, I always run the alley to the top
my only goal the hopeful
well prolonged ride
that wins free games
my personal myth agrees
I’m made of steel
a perfect sphere with no weak points
(I am indestructible)
I admit
I‘m big on forgiveness
count before I roll again
but, am I not marvelous
in my own careening way?
tell me I’m not entertaining
you know you can’t
My family often call me a bear.
Perhaps it’s my grumpy nature.
I’m known to roar if startled,
behave badly if woken abruptly.