To forget

To forget

If you could forget anything about yourself, about your past, about how you think, would you?I know I would. There are shameful things, fortunately not many, I’d like to forget. But I suspect, the revisions of myself, and my potential actions as a result, might...
Artificial Intelligence and Art

Artificial Intelligence and Art

The presence of mistakes in art are part of what distinguishes human made from AI made art.Human mistakes can be indicative of the effort exerted making the art; human mistakes can also be a conscious inclusion by the artist. Mistakes can be an artistic technique,...
written by AI

written by AI

I asked Artificial Intelligenceto write a poemin the style of Ward Maxwell.It worked so wellI’m going to use it again.I’ll say, “Write a poem by mebut make it a sad one, I like sad ones;”or,“Write a poem by me that will makepeople abandon themselves to laughter,the...
a pinball am I

a pinball am I

some people drift through lifeothers steam ahead, forge their destinyI’m a pinballI bounce off everyone and everythingconstantly spinenjoy the flashing lights, buzzers and bellsthat follow my every moveit’s true I’ve treated some as bumpersothers as flippers whose...
we are light

we are light

in the midst of our teeming squalorour inexcusable excessesthe moments when everyone saysshut the fuck up, not right nowremember, we are notonly fools and failureswe’re creatures of lightancient distant starsblessed us with their atomstheir being so we might shinefrom...