Published: 10 March 2025


My family often call me a bear.
Perhaps it’s my grumpy nature.
I’m known to roar if startled,
behave badly if woken abruptly.

It’s true I like my back to be scratched. If no one with sharp fingernails is available,
I’ll lean against a tree, scrape against it
with such force, I’ll knock it down.

It’s a matter of no small pride
my family feels safe with me.
They think I’m a bear protects them
which I wish I could, but this world.

I’ve studied pictures, read books
watched videos online, seen their great
skeletons in glass cases in museums,
mounted to stand defiant before weak humans;

there is an echo within the bear of man,
the human skeleton is much like the bear’s,
the bear, the man, scare all within this world;
both, in turn, are scared by the world.

But the world trembles before the bear.

That I utter my speech without words,
fur so thick bullets bounce off it, my dagger claws,
my golden eye that looks upon you as prey,
might explain why my family calls me a bear;

why I kneel before this glass case,
terrified, ecstatic.

More Poetry:

Mansion of Joy

The world needs comedians,
comedians need people who laugh,
the comedians have Arlen.

A boy with a big laugh,
to fill a hall, a building, to fill the world

blue is blue

is there not enough glow
not enough bleeding heart?
not enough gold shows through?
blue is blue
blue is blue

sounds like the waiting room before an acid trip

A tremulous place of anticipation and dread,
suspicion the colours are changing, are they changing?
What is the sound of a silent train arriving?
Apparently, I’m to depart. I’ve been informed
I have a ticket. I seem to have forgotten

written by AI

I asked Artificial Intelligence
to write a poem
in the style of Ward Maxwell.
It worked so well
I’m going to use it again.

a pinball am I

some people drift through life
others steam ahead, forge their destiny
I’m a pinball

we are light

in the midst of our teeming squalor
our inexcusable excesses
the moments when everyone says
shut the fuck up, not right now


Mansion of Joy

Mansion of Joy

The world needs comedians,
comedians need people who laugh,
the comedians have Arlen.

A boy with a big laugh,
to fill a hall, a building, to fill the world

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